Article I, Section 8: Federalism and the overall scope of federal power | Constitution Center

It is extremely important that American citizens fully understand the US Constitution, checks and balances of government for federal government and the checks and balances of what the federal government can and cannot do as it relates to their engagement, their oversight in state government. While this nation state proclaims that it exists as a democratic state, this is not entirely the truth. America actually functions as a Constitutional Republic. The entire foundational premise of federalism ensures that there will be a balance of power at the federal level of government and the state level of government as well. This concept of federalism also extends to how and what the federal government can and cannot do in terms of their engagement in state governmental affairs and state criminal investigations. I strongly urge everyone to more closely examine Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution as well as the 10th Amendment of the US Constitution. Both areas will help everyone better understand how the federal government and state government enact as well as help American citizens better understand how they need to ensure they have correct, knowledgeable elected officials at both the federal and state levels of the legislative branch so progressive public policy and legislative actions occur to better move this nation forward.

‘america’ – Pass Me By With Thoughts and Prayers

So ‘america’…

  • You are all good to go for the “War On Drugs” as long as you do not have to stop the flow of drugs into certain communities until it hits your doorstep.
  • You are all good to go for the “War On Terrorism” as long as you do not have to admit your possible role in the training of the terrorists who lashed out back at you for not keeping up your promises. See “Charlie Wilson’s War” for clarity.
  • Despite there being more weapons than the population – you seem unwilling to declare a “War on Guns” eventhough certain guns are directly responsible for domestic violence attacks, death and trauma. So please explain how you can be ‘tough on crime and criminals’ yet you seem hesitant to stop the access and use of certain guns on the street. Certain guns, might I add are directly responsible for numerous acts of domestic terrorism, death of citizens domestically. So when it is terrorism committed by others who are not citizens – you want justice and declare war. Yet when it is terrorism committed domestically – you are choosing to do nothing to stop the violence, doing nothing to ensure justice for the victims, nothing to stop the problem.

It is amazing to me how ‘america’ demands equality, freedom, justice yet we do not want to do the real work of democracy, security, public safety policy. The Second Amendment, when it was originally written authorized the right to bear arms and also spoke about against the existence of a free standing militia. Keep in mind when this nation state was first created, it had no military force established to protect its citizens. Each citizen need to bear arms to fight back against colonial tyranny, economic suppressive indirect rule against the British monarchy who had a substantial army and naval force at its command. This nation state had evolved beyond this state and so too must this nation state evolve in terms of its public policies as it relates to owning of semiautomatic handguns and semiautomatic rifles. No one citizen should have weapons more powerful than law enforcement and or this nation’s armed forces. It is the national military to protect our citizens against all threats foreign and domestic. It is local law enforcement’s task to protect metropolitan and suburban cities internally pursuant to state statutes. It is time for ‘america’ to grow up and better manage itself as it concerns citizens access to guns and this over obsession with gun culture in our society.

…Take your time with your response – I will wait…

#TulsaOklahoma #UvaldeTexas #BuffaloNewYork

#PassMeByWithThoughtsandPrayers #DomesticTerrorism #AnotherMassShooting #TooManyCitiesToList #TooManyHastagsToPost

Stop The “Silent Killers” Of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and or Sexual Harassment

Sexual Assault, Sexual Harrassment and Domestic Violence are the criminal cases whereas the victim and or victims are the ones who have to have all the evidence their attacker or attackers committed the crime, subjected them to the abuse. Those attacked have to prove their case is a going to be 200% air tight conviction. Even then, the criminal justice system makes the victim have to do all the hard work just to both validate the attack and ensure justice is served.

Despite the mental, physical, psychological trauma the victim has to endure for the rest of their lives, the attacker and or attackers of the victims seem to always hold on to the “innocent until proven guilty” part of due process. No matter the attacker’s socioeconomic status when it comes to the matter of domestic violence and or sexual assault, very few are found guilty. The burden of proof, quest for justice falls all on the victim to accomplish this task. This is why too many victims do not ever come forward.

It is traumatic enough for someone to experience either domestic violence, sexual assault and or sexual harassment. This trauma hurts worse when “justice for all” only applies for all other criminal matters except for domestic violence, sexual assault and or sexual harassment. Something is really wrong with a society when “talks tough about combatting crime” yet never seems to stop the crimes of inflicting emotional and physical harm to women and men who have to suffer in silence when it comes to these three matters.

In closing, I want to say the following statements on “the silent killers” of domestic violence, sexual assault and or sexual harassment. One, Brother to Brother, Man to Man – we know those who are inflicting this type of behavior, this trauma on those they are victimizing daily. We need to check them and stop it. Two, domestic violence, sexual assault and or sexual harassment are just plain evil and wrong on all levels. To me there is a dysfunctional mental health component in those who commit these acts on other people. Those who are committing these acts need counseling to deprogram this violent mindset, this disgusting behavior. There is nothing good and or nothing to take pride in being the type of person who inflicts this trauma on other people. Finally, I can only hope those who have experienced and still are dealing with domestic violence, sexual assault and or sexual harassment  will get real justice and support for our society. This is a matter for people to have to suffer in silence. Society needs to do better by those being victimized. The criminal justice system needs to do a better job of protecting those victimized by the attacks of domestic violence, sexual assault and or sexual harassment and do all it can to prosecute the offenders so the crimes of domestic violence, sexual assault and or sexual harassment cease to happen in the immediate future.

Practical Not Political – Election 2020

Practical Not Political
Election 2020
…This Election is not just about the President and Vice President

  • 35 US Senate Seats [11 Democrats, 6 Republicans – Battleground States: AL, AZ, CO, GA(2), IA, KS, KY, ME, MI, MN, MT, NH, NC, SC, TX]
  • 435 US House of Representatives Seats [41Seats – 20 Democratic / 20 Republican / 1 Libertarian; Battleground States: AZ, AR, CA(2), FL, GA(2), IL, IA(3), ME, MI(3), MN(2), MO, NE, NJ(3), NM, NY(3), OH, OK, PA(2), SC, TX(5), UT, VA(3)
  • 11 State Governors; 2 US Terrorities [4 Democrat, 7 Republican (2 US Terrorities – American Samoa(Democrat), Puerto Rico (Independent Party – Open Seat)
  • 10 State Attorney Generals [IN, MS, MO, NC, OR, PA, UT, VT, WA, WV]

Election2020 #ElectionDay #PracticalnotPolitical

“Escaping Reality” – Stop Ignoring the Work for Equality and Justice

‘It seems to me that at this time we need education in the obvious more than the investigation of the obscure.’
~ The Honorable Oliver Wendell Holmes, Associate Justice – US Supreme Court

We need to stop looking at social media platforms as a means to escape reality. Escaping reality is the reason why dysfunctional behavior, evil, injustice runs rampant. Distractions and negativity affect, touch us everyday. We must not allow other entities to determine our mindsets. We must control what is on our minds and we have to take better command of the world around us or else the negative prevails and wins.

The internet and all its various social media platforms are man made tools. What a person does with or how we manage this tool determines the way the tools works for you as a person. Remember the saying “data in, data out… garbage in, garbage out.” Same rule which applies to this saying is the same one for the internet and its social media platforms. The reality is that social media platforms are meant to be a means of network and communication.

There is a time and place for fun and games. There is also a time and place to utilize institutions and communication platforms to truly affect and effect real change. It is all cute and fun when we entertain ourselves with playful videos, silly memes. Meanwhile others are extracting data, cataloging responses, preferences. They are systematically tracking people’s movement across the internet to gather information for their benefit. Their efforts are a concerted objective to determine behaviors and mindsets. They take this data tailoring messages to convey out to targeted audiences shape policy for both domestic and foreign policy matters. Stop getting weighed down with distractions and focus on what matters.

We have to use all platforms effectively to not argue and banter about issues. Arguements without action, resolve to fix the issues are pointless words expressed. We need to not only communicate our issues but find the means to work to fix the issues.

Evil and injustice takes no days off. Equality and justice demand ongoing engagement and work. Apathy, disengagement to collective issues ignorance of the real truth and lack of resolve are the four cornerstones which build the house of a dysfunctional, deteriorating society. The issues do not stop just because you do not address them anymore than the waves of the oceans will not stop due to the gravitational movement of the planet. Do we complain about the ocean constantly moving or appreciate both its beauty and power as a living entity? Communication and dialogue function in the same way. Too often we’re using social media platforms as a network to escape reality and live alternate lives away from reality which only causes further dischord and more problems and an already disconnected society.

Insight | Inside Me

I set my “rules of engagement” for this whole ‘social networking’ stuff a long time ago. Never worried about becoming more popular. My purpose was to stay positive, keep in touch with positive people and help bring a different insight for life, current events and express through poetry – passionately and with purpose, that a Black Man actually cares about this world and I do not want it to go to hell in a handbasket.

I never thought I would need to both do that and make my life I live day to day, an open exploratory for public commentary and critical editorial examination. If that is what you are looking for from me, that’s not never going to happen. No offense humanity – I see and have seen how you really treat fellow human beings day to day, person to person, race to race, culture to culture. It is not a good look. I admit everything in my life is not great, joyous, wonderful everyday. I, like everyone else have life challenges, life good moments.

I am not nor will I be a data experiment. I am in control of my own actions, thoughts and working on my own life and that purpose for my life. My life is not for worldwide consumption for validation based on marketing popularity metrics. I am living life, working through life – seeking to be the best man I want to be for me and the world I live in today. I am man enough to admit I am a broken jigsaw puzzle just like the rest of the humanity. My difference – I am telling you I am a broken jigsaw puzzle committed to fixing me and this broken world we live in today.

Personally, I do not like how we treat each other. I dislike further that others are directly and indirectly manipulating people’s mindsets and desired perceptions just to gain more insight into what we think, how we think, how we will react. This whole cyber profile data manipulation / social media networking experiment mess is just that a distractive mess. We no longer solve problems. We are more concerned about images, popularity. This cyber profile data manipulation mess has really mentally messed up how we deal with each other and the world we live. This manipulation and propaganda spin makes reactions which affect and impact how we deal with each other and the decisions we make.

Over the past decade or more, I can directly see it already has impacted how we communicate with each other. We do not have real conversations for real results, real solutions. We banter about who is at fault yet we do not work for better solutions. We leave it for somebody else to do it when we are the ones who should be doing it. We pose, smile for everything else to make it look good as long as I, the individual, look good. We have chosen to be the experiment than live for the better experience.

Individually, we are too concerned with being seen as an individual than living, standing by living together, working together with empowering ideals. We are more concerned with being seen as exhibit of fine living than living life where the world around us becomes better by shared experiences working towards a better world.

We need to be more about building bridges, pathways towards fixing life for all of us. We need to stop being concerned about image as individuals. We need to be more vested in fixing this world with shared ideals.