Insight | Inside Me

I set my “rules of engagement” for this whole ‘social networking’ stuff a long time ago. Never worried about becoming more popular. My purpose was to stay positive, keep in touch with positive people and help bring a different insight for life, current events and express through poetry – passionately and with purpose, that a Black Man actually cares about this world and I do not want it to go to hell in a handbasket.

I never thought I would need to both do that and make my life I live day to day, an open exploratory for public commentary and critical editorial examination. If that is what you are looking for from me, that’s not never going to happen. No offense humanity – I see and have seen how you really treat fellow human beings day to day, person to person, race to race, culture to culture. It is not a good look. I admit everything in my life is not great, joyous, wonderful everyday. I, like everyone else have life challenges, life good moments.

I am not nor will I be a data experiment. I am in control of my own actions, thoughts and working on my own life and that purpose for my life. My life is not for worldwide consumption for validation based on marketing popularity metrics. I am living life, working through life – seeking to be the best man I want to be for me and the world I live in today. I am man enough to admit I am a broken jigsaw puzzle just like the rest of the humanity. My difference – I am telling you I am a broken jigsaw puzzle committed to fixing me and this broken world we live in today.

Personally, I do not like how we treat each other. I dislike further that others are directly and indirectly manipulating people’s mindsets and desired perceptions just to gain more insight into what we think, how we think, how we will react. This whole cyber profile data manipulation / social media networking experiment mess is just that a distractive mess. We no longer solve problems. We are more concerned about images, popularity. This cyber profile data manipulation mess has really mentally messed up how we deal with each other and the world we live. This manipulation and propaganda spin makes reactions which affect and impact how we deal with each other and the decisions we make.

Over the past decade or more, I can directly see it already has impacted how we communicate with each other. We do not have real conversations for real results, real solutions. We banter about who is at fault yet we do not work for better solutions. We leave it for somebody else to do it when we are the ones who should be doing it. We pose, smile for everything else to make it look good as long as I, the individual, look good. We have chosen to be the experiment than live for the better experience.

Individually, we are too concerned with being seen as an individual than living, standing by living together, working together with empowering ideals. We are more concerned with being seen as exhibit of fine living than living life where the world around us becomes better by shared experiences working towards a better world.

We need to be more about building bridges, pathways towards fixing life for all of us. We need to stop being concerned about image as individuals. We need to be more vested in fixing this world with shared ideals.

2 thoughts on “Insight | Inside Me

  1. Nice post! I believe POC building bridges to help each other is pivotal. Rn we just don’t have the bandwidth to build bridges to cultures that have always hated and tried to destroy us. We have to develop trust amongst ourselves. Love our culture and people before we build bridges to a culture that exploits everything about us. In the past, we attempted to built bridges to such a culture and we were tricked into accepting mass incarceration for our people. Now here we are still attempting bridges without caution to a culture that wishes us great harm. Let’s build bridges that form a strong infrastructure for our culture first.


    1. Thank you for sharing your insight. Let’s work on building, loving, restoring and protecting us from the inside out. We must do better by each other, mentoring each other, supporting each other. We can build and build this nation state, this society to better while not losing ourselves in the process. Thanks for your feedback. Sorry for the delay in responding. Life and working on writing additional blog posts with content has kept me from seeing your thoughts until now. Stop by anytime and your comments on anything posted are welcome.

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